Barren River Initiative to
Get Healthy Together
1109 State Street
Bowling Green, KY 42102
More than 1 in 4 adults in the Barren River Area are smokers, in addition to almost 20% of 12th grade students who vape. For this reason, BRIGHT stakeholders are committed to working towards reducing rates of tobacco use and it's effects on the health of others. Here are some objectives from the BRIGHT's 2022-2025 Community Health Improvement Plan that focus on tobacco in the Barren River Area Development District (BRADD).
Goal 4: Reduce rates of tobacco use across BRADD.
Objective 4.1: Reduce the rate of vaping among BRADD adolescents by 10% by 2025.
Strategy 4.1.1: We will help educate parents and guardians about the risk and appearance of vaping products.
Strategy 4.1.2: We will provide education through school events, classes, in-school flyers, health fairs, media, and social media on the dangers of tobacco use, with an extra focus on vaping.
Strategy 4.1.3: We will host an anti-vaping art competition for adolescent residents.
Strategy 4.1.4: We will help strengthen 100% tobacco-free schools. (See next page for outcome measures.)
Objective 4.2: Increase the number of BRADD residents who attend tobacco cessation counseling by 10%.
Strategy 4.2.1: We will provide cessation programming for school-aged tobacco users.
Strategy 4.2.2: We will offer 1:1 tobacco cessation services.
Objective 5.1: Have 3 smoke-free cities, towns, or counties in BRADD by 2025.
Strategy 5.1.1: We will advocate for a smoke-free ordinance in Scottsville, the county seat of Allen County.
Strategy 5.1.2: We will advocate for a smoke-free ordinance in Franklin, the county seat of Simpson County.
Strategy 5.1.3: We will run a media/social media campaign on the dangers of secondhand smoke.